Swiss Association
for North
American Studies

The Swiss Association for North American Studies was founded in 1978 to provide a structure that would facilitate contact among Swiss scholars interested in American Studies and allow them to be represented institutionally in the European Association for American Studies (EAAS). We organize biennial international conferences in even years, symposia in odd years, and an annual Spring Reading Group. SANAS regularly advertises two awards.


SANAS Spring Reading Group 2024

This year's SANAS Spring Reading Group will take place at the University of St. Gallen on May 18th. We are very pleased to welcome Brian Ward to share his work with us.



SANAS Spring Reading Group 2023


This year's SANAS Spring Reading Group will take place in the fall semester for a change. We are delighted to be able to invite American poet Rachel Blau DuPlessis to Basel on November 11, 2023.

SANAS Spring Reading Group 2024


This year's SANAS Spring Reading Group will take place at the University of St. Gallen on May 18th. We are very pleased to welcome Brian Ward to share his work with us.