Jürgen Grandt gave the following presentations

Ø    "Into a Darker Past: Identity, Nationhood, and the Anxiety of Authenticity in James Baldwin's _Giovanni's Room_." Sixty-fourth Annual Convention of the College Language Association (CLA), Tennessee State University, Nashville, TN. 16 April 2004.

Ø    "Nation, Narration, and Migration: Judith Ortiz Cofer's Silent Dancing and the Politics of Storytelling." Invited lecture, National Issues Forum, University of Georgia, Athens, GA. 30 August 2004.

Ø    "Life and Death in the Dirty South: Urban Ritual Grounds in Tayari Jones's Leaving Atlanta." 2004 Convention of the Modern Language Association of America (MLA), Philadelphia, PA. 30 Dec. 2004.

and published the following article:

Ø    "Kinds of Blue: Toni Morrison, Hans Janowitz, and the Jazz Aesthetic." African American Review 38.2 (2004): 303-322.

Christina Ljungberg published

Ø    “Meeting the Cultural Other: Semiotic Approaches to Intercultural Communication”. Intercultural Communication. Self-Consciousness, Translation and Mutual Understanding, ed. Rainer Guldin. [Special Issue] Studies in Communication Sciences 3.2 (2003): 59-77.

Ø    “Cartographic Intrusions in Postcolonial Fiction”. Le visuel à l'ère du post-visuel 1/The visual in the age of the postvisual 1, ed. Marie Carani. [Special Issue] VISIO 8. 1-2 (spring-summer 2003): 241-249.

Ø     “Mapping the territories of being: Art, the Body and Digital Media”. Körper – Verkörperung – Entkörperung/ Body – Embodiment – Disembodiment, eds. Winfried Nöth and Guido Ipsen. Intervalle Schriften zur Kulturforschung; 7. CD-ROM. Kassel: Kassel University Press, 2004.

Ø    “Logical aspects of maps”. Ideology, logic, and dialogue in semioethic perspective, ed. Susan Petrilli. [Special Issue] Semiotica 148 (2004): 413-437.

Ø    “Between reality and representation: The diagrammatic function of photographs and maps in fiction”. Peirce and the Question of Representation, ed. Jean Fisette. [Special Issue] VISIO 9.1 (spring 2004): 67-78.

and gave the following papers:

Ø    July 2004: “Between word and image: Photographs in fiction”, at the 8th AIS/IASS World Congress  in  Lyon.

Ø    August 2004: “Models of Reading” at  the conference on Cognition  and  Literary Interpretation  in  Practice  at  the  University of   Helsinki

Ø    November 2004: “Charting the space in-between: Margaret Atwood’s lakeshore poems” at the SANAS Fribourg Conference on American Poetry

Ø    December 2004: “Performativity and Photography: The Performative Function of Photographs in Contemporary Fiction” at the Symposium on Performativity: A Paradigm for the Studies of Art and Culture in Copenhagen.

Sämi Ludwig has been appointed

Ø    professeur des universitiés at the Université de Haute Alsace, Mulhouse and is currently negotiating his ancienneté in France ...

He published

Ø    a second edition of Asian American Literature in the International Context: Readings on Fiction, Poetry, and Performance. Edited together with Rocío Davis. Münster: LIT Verlag, 2004.

Ø    added two more volumes to their series Contributions to Asian American Literary Studies (LIT Verlag, Münster).

and gave the following paper

Ø    “The Poetry of James P. Handlin.” American Poetry: Whitman to the Present (Swiss Association for North American Studies). Fribourg, November 2004.

He furthermore helped Robert Rehder organize

Ø    the Conference on American Poetry: Whitman to the Present, biennial international conference of Swiss Association of North American Studies, Fribourg, 12-13 November 2004.

Deborah Madsen published

Ø    “Narratives of the Visto: Pynchon and Mason & Dixon,” Pynchon Notes, 46-49 (2004), pp.229-38.

and reviewed

Ø    Larissa Lai, Salt Fish Girl, Canadian Ethnic Studies, 36. 1 (2004).

She gave the following papers:

Ø    European Association for American Studies conference, Charles University, Prague: “Nora Okja Keller’s Comfort Woman and the Ethics of Literary Trauma”

Ø    invited lecture SAUTE (Swiss Association of University Teachers of English)Annual General Meeting, “Literary Study After September 11”

Ø    keynote speaker Sixth International Thomas Pynchon conference, Valletta, Malta, “Allegories of Empire”

Ø    English Seminar, University of Zurich “Unheimliche Frauen: Martial Arts in Recent Chinese American Fiction and Film”

Ø    keynote speaker Austrian Association for American Studies annual conference, Schloss Leopoldskron, Salzburg, “Multicultural Futures: Subjectivity, Citizenship and American Exceptionalism”

Ø    SANAS (Swiss Association for North American Studies) conference “American Poetry fromWhitman to the Present,” University of Fribourg: “Towards a Poetics of Trauma”

Her further activities:

Ø    invited to join the Editorial Board, European Journal of American Culture

Ø    April: organiser of the conference “Gerald Vizenor and Native American Literature” hosted at the University of Geneva, supported by a grant from SNSF, and featuring speakers from Europe, Asia and the USA.

Micah Mattix has published:

Ø    "Periodization and Difference." New Literary History 35.4 (2004): 685-97.

and gave the following presentations and guest lectures:

Ø    "Naming Things: Frank O'Hara and 'The Day Lady Died'." American Poetry: Whitman to the Present. Swiss Association of North American Studies (SANAS). Fribourg, Switzerland. 13 November 2004.

Ø    "The Prelude." Ecole de Traduction et Interpretation. Genève, Switzerland. 1 November 2004.

Max Nänny published

Ø    “New Light on Ernest Hemingway’s Short Story Fragment ‘Three Shots’”. North Dakota Quarterly 70, 4 (Fall 2003): 88-93. [Published in 2004]

Ø    "Ernest Hemingways Fiesta". Variations 12 (2004): 263-278.

and gave the following paper:

Ø    “Iconic Uses of Rhyme”. Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 5 May 2004.

Robert Rehder published


Ø    “Wordsworth: Ideas of Order”, DIE ARCHITEKTUR DER WOLKEN, Zyklisierung in der europäischen Lyrik des 19. Jahrhunderts, ed. Rolf Fieguth and Alessandro Martini (Bern, Peter Lang, 2004), 79-102.

He gave the following presentations:

Ø    “Wallace Stevens: The Motive for Metaphor,” University of Arizona (1 September 2004).

Ø    “What is the Form of Ezra Pound’s The Cantos?” Fiction and Autobiography Conference, Salzburg (29 October 2004).

He published and presented his poetry in the following ways:

Ø    “Open Letter to the Secretary of the Swedish Academy”, “The Map of Desire”, “White on White”, “Farmer's Market”, NOTES AND NEWS 2004, ed. Turhan Tirana (Westport, Conn, Princeton Class of 1957, 2004), 2-4, 16, 17.

Ø    runner up, Iowa Award in Poetry for 2004 (530 entries read blind).

Ø    poetry reading, English Students, University of Fribourg (8 June 2004).

Ø    poetry reading, University of Lausanne (16 June 2004).

Ø    “Free Fall”, “Archipelago”, The Iowa Review, 34/3(Winter 2004/05), 84-6.

Ø    poetry reading, University of Arizona Poetry Center (30 August 2004)

Ø    poetry reading(plenary reading), Swiss Association of North American Studies International Conference on American Poetry: Whitman to the Present, Fribourg (12 November 2004).

Ø    "Archipelago" chosen as poem of the day, 10 February. 2005 (about 23,000 visits to site) by Poetry Daily, an online anthology of contemporary poetry (www.poems.com) and then archived for one year.

Ø    His translation of “Come, Pass Me the Cup Quickly” (Hafiz), “Poetry Plus” program, Canadian Broadcasting Company Radio, broadcast six times 2004-2009.

Other activities:

Ø    elected chair of the International Committee of the International Association of University Professors of English (IAUPE) 2004-2007 (The chair is the Association’s principal executive officer.)

Ø    organizer, Conference on American Poetry: Whitman to the Present, biennial international conference of Swiss Association of North American Studies, Fribourg, 12-13 November 2004.

Manuela Rossini has put her dissertation on the web:

Ø    From House to Home: Meanings of the Family in Early Modern English Drama and Culture. Basel: Universität Basel, 2004. http://www.unibas.ch/diss/2004/DissB_6936.htm.

and published the following essays and reviews:

Ø    "Künstliche Reproduktion (in) der Science/Fiction: Neue Technologien – alte Geschichten?" In: figurationen: gender literatur kultur 2 (2003): 65-83.

Ø    "The Sexual/Textual Impossibility of Female Heroism in the First Tetralogy". In: New Studies in the Shakespearean Heroine. Ed. Helen Wilcox. (Shakespeare Yearbook 14, General Editor: Douglas A. Brooks.). Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 2004. 45-78.

Ø    "Parfüm und Leidenschaft: Queerlektüren". Books reviewed: Valerie Traub, The Renaissance of Lesbianism in Early Modern England; Paul Hammond, Figuring Sex between Men from Shakespeare to Rochester; and Richard Halpern, Shakespeare's Perfume: Sodomy and Sublimity in the Sonnets, Wilde, Freud and Lacan. In: Shakespeare Jahrbuch 140 (2004): 287-291.

She has actively participated in the following events:

Ø    Panel discussion: Stadttheater Freiburg i. Br., 26 February 04: Panel discussion on the production Wie es Euch gefällt by the Stadttheater Freiburg. Participants: Juliane Köhler, Urs Peter Halter, Oliver Held, Manuela Rossini.

Ø    Guest seminar: Nijmegen, Department of Philosophy, 8 December: "Posthuman Bodies". Within the course "The Body" (directed by Dr. Veronica Vasterling).

Ø    Convenor: ESSE7, Zaragoza, 7-12 September 04: organisation, introduction and chair (together with Prof.Dr. Sabine Sielke, Nordamerikastudienprogramm Bonn) of the seminar "Interfacing Culture and Science".

Ø    Durham (USA), American SLSA Conference, 14-17 October 04, Session 7D: "Bio-Techno Science Fictions".


Ø    Prague, 2-5 May 04: EAAS Conference, Seminar "American Studies and the Sciences": "Science/Fiction: Imagineering the Future of the Human". (by invitation)

Ø    Paris, 3rd European SLS Conference, 23-26 June 04: "'Natural-Born Cyborgs': Posthumanist Evolutionary Discourse and Its Discontents".

Ø    Nijmegen, Centre for Women's Studies, 5 October 04: "Imagineering Posthuman Bodies". (by invitation)

Ø    Berlin, EC Quality of Life Programme "Science, Fiction, and Science/Fiction: The role of literature in public debates on medical ethical issues and in the medical education", 7-10 October 04: "Re-membering an AIDS Body through Literary Care: Paula Vogel's The Baltimore Waltz". (by invitation)

Ø    Durham (USA), American SLSA Conference, 14-17 October 04: "What's Wrong with Being a 'Natural-Born Cyborg'?" Presented in Session 7D: "Bio-Techno Science Fictions". Chair: M. Rossini.

Philipp Schweighauser

Ø    received the 2004 Faculty of Humanities Prize of the University of Basel awarded to Ph.D. thesis.

He published

Ø    "Toward a History of Literary Acoustics: The Noises of American Literature, 1860-1980." English and American Studies in German 2003. Summaries of Theses and Monographs. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 2004. 144-46.

Ø    "Rauschende Kommunikationen und Kanalreiniger: Repräsentationen des Widerläufigen bei Howells, Toomer und Pynchon." Integrationen des Widerläufigen: Ein Streifzug durch geistes- und kulturwissenschaftliche Forschungsfelder. Ed. Elke Huwiler and Nicole Wachter. Hamburg: LIT, 2004. 59-68.

He gave the following presentation:

Ø    "Poetic and Cultural Otherness: The Poetry of Ruth Benedict." American Poetry: Whitman to the Present.Conference of the Swiss Association of North American Studies at the University of Fribourg on 12-13 November 2004.

And chaired the

Ø    workshop on Canonization, Anthologies and the Search for New Poetic Forms. 13 November 2003. American Poetry: Whitman to the Present. Conference of the Swiss Association of North American Studies at the University of Fribourg on 12-13 November 2004.

Agnieszka Soltysik

gave the following presentations:

Ø    "The Uses of the American Gothic: The Shifting Meaning of a Critical Term in Post-War American Studies," EAAS Conference, Prague, April 2004.

Ø    "What Does It Mean to Talk About a Queer Tradition in American Poetry?" SANAS, Fribourg, November 2004.

She also took a

Ø    group of students to New York for a study trip in June in the context of my class on "Hart Crane's Conjunctive Poetics in the The Bridge," where we visited the Brooklyn Bridge and participated in the annual Poet's House Brooklyn Bridge Walk and Poetry Recital.  This trip was entirely funded by the Cultural Attache's Office of the American Embassy in Bern. 

Therese Steffen has co-edited

Ø    Therese Frey Steffen, Caroline Rosenthal, Anke Väth, eds. Gender Studies: Wissenschaftstheorien und Gesellschaftskritik. Würzburg: Königshausen &Neumann, 2004.

She published

Ø    "Lives, Legacies, Legends": Eine neue Buchreihe im Verlag der BAB. Jahresbericht der Basler Afrika Bibliographien, 2004. 48-53.

and gave the following lectures:

Ø    "African Literatures in English: Lewis Nkosi." Ringvorlesung des "Afrikaschwerpunkts der Universität Basel". 19 December  2004.

Ø    "J.M. Coetzee's Dusklands. War Scenes from Vietnam to South Africa." Ringvorlesung Universität Basel: Krieg und Literatur. 26 January  2004.

She has helped with the organization of the following events:

Ø    DOCTORAL PROGRAM: "Wissensgesellschaft und Geschlechterbeziehungen" Zürich:  Summer School, 9-10 September.

Ø    Day Conference: POLITICAL BODIES AND THE BODY POLITIC. English Seminar, University of Basel, 19 June.

Ø    two keynote addresses: Flora Veit-Wild, Humboldt University at Berlin; Itala Vivan, Universita degli Studi, Milano


Barbara Straumann published

Ø    "Die Diva." In: Horst Weinstock (Ed.), English and American Studies in German 2003: Summaries of Theses and Monographs - A Supplement to Anglia. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 2004, 100-102.

and finished her dissertation:

Ø    "Figurations of Exile: Hitchcock's and Nabokov's Aesthetics of Home and Displacement." Dissertation, Universität Zürich, 2004.

Claude Ziltener has become

Ø    the assistant to Prof. Hartwig Isernhagen at the Department of English, University of Basel

the working title his dissertation is

Ø    Towards Timelessness. On the Temporal and Narrative Implications of Reconstructing Traumatic Events

He has been the first recipient of the

Ø    SANAS Travel Award (congratulations!)