New Perspectives on the “Orphan Stories” in the One Thousand and One Nights
28.02.2020, 09:00 - 29.02.2020, 11:30
International Workshop
Intitute of Asian and Oriental Studies – Department of Islamic Studies
Romanisches Seminar
University of Zurich, Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, Room RAA E-29/E-08
Rämistrasse 59, 8001 Zürich
The so-called “orphan stories” are a group of tales in Galland’s Mille et une Nuits that were orally communicated to Antoine Galland by Ḥannā Diyāb from Aleppo on the occasion of his visit to Paris in 1709. They were published in volumes nine to twelve of Galland’s Mille et une Nuits in 1712–1717. Some of these became the most famous stories of the One Thousand and One Nights, such as Aladdin and Ali Baba. Their origins; their narrator, Ḥannā Diyāb; their transformation by the editor, Galland; and their reception in the 20th century are all research topics that have received much attention in recent years. In the present international workshop, some of the most distinguished specialists will present their newest results and address current research questions, some of which have hitherto been subject to much controversy.
Students, lecturers and other interested people are cordially invited to this event.
Friday, February 28, 2020, Room RAA E-29
9:15Ch. Vogel (Zurich, UZH): Le conte comme médiateur au tournant des 17e et 18e siècles en France
10:00R. Bottigheimer (Stony Brook University, N.Y.): Applying Forensic Reading to Ḥannā Diyāb’s Orphan Tales
11:15P. Horta (Abu Dhabi, NYU): Books of Travel: Paul Lucas and Ḥannā Diyāb.
12:00J. Stephan (FU Berlin): Ḥannā Diyāb’s Storytelling and 18th-Century Written Culture
14:15A. A. Razzaque (University of Cambridge): Multivolume Nights: Serial Narrative and the First Edition of Galland's Aladdin.
15:00I. Akel (Paris, INALCO): Aladin et la lampe merveilleuse: nouvelles sources manuscrites.
16:15J. Thomann (Zurich, UZH): The Orphan Stories in the Arabic Narrative Tradition and Beyond: Variants of Types and Motifs
17:00O. Serbaeva (Zurich, UZH)/J. Thomann (Zurich, UZH): A Possible Origin of the “Sesame Open”-Motif and its Later Transformations
Saturday, February 29, 2020, Room RAA E-08
9:00N. Demirkol (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster): The Curious Cases of Turkish One Thousand and One Nights in the 20th Century: A Journey From Pseudo-Translations to Appropriations
9:45R. van Leeuwen (Universiteit van Amsterdam): Afterlives of Aladdin in European Literature
11:00Final Discussion
Prof. Dr. Christina Vogel
Dr. Johannes Thomann