What's on?
Global visual economies: Photography in Senegal, 1840-1960…
13. - 14.03.2025
In partnership with Initiative Afrique by the University of Bern, the Global Studies Doctoral Program (GSAH) and the World Art History (IKG) are organizing the event “Global visual economies: Photography in Senegal, 1840-1960”.
International Migrants Day (14.12.2024)
The Africa Diaspora Council Switzerland (ADCS) invites you to the International Migrants Day on 14.12.2024 in Ostermundigen Bern.
Lausanne Advanced Seminar in Political Ecology (28. /29.11.24)
28. - 29.11.2024
Entitled "Historical political ecology: constituting African resources and commodities”, the seminar will be held on 28-29 November 2024.