Swiss Society
for African Studies

The Swiss Society for African Studies SSAS was founded in 1974. Its primary aims are to advance the research on Africa and further the academic exchange in this field. Based on the model of Area Studies it offers opportunities to connect researchers and the interested public in a theme-oriented and multidisciplinary exchange

What's on?

Call for Papers: Liquid Urbanisms (Basel 12-13.06.2025)

The division of Urban Studies of the University of Basel invites paper propositions for an international workshop co-organized by the PRECURBICA project (Precarious Urbanism in Coastal Cities in Africa) and the Swiss Society for African…


Global visual economies: Photography in Senegal, 1840-1960…

13. - 14.03.2025

In partnership with Initiative Afrique by the University of Bern, the Global Studies Doctoral Program (GSAH) and the World Art History (IKG) are organizing the event “Global visual economies: Photography in Senegal, 1840-1960”.