Medical Anthropology Switzerland (MAS)

The MAS Medical Anthropology Switzerland was founded in 1992. It is an active commission of the Swiss Anthropological Association (SAA). Its aim is to promote communication between representatives of different disciplines who deal with social, cultural, biomedical and psychiatric-psychological aspects of health and illness. The MAS brings together anthropologists, doctors and health professionals from all regions of Switzerland. Medical anthropological perspectives have gained practical and theoretical importance in recent years and are beginning to establish themselves at universities and in the medical and social fields. The MAS promotes these tendencies by organising an annual symposium and colloquia and by networking interested parties and scientific disciplines. In addition to the active MAS Commission, the interest group IKMAS provides news and informs on events for those interested in medical anthropology.

MAS Symposium 2022: The Datafication of Health: Novel distributions and reconfigurations of expertise

MAS Symposium 2022: Exploring Expertise

MAS Colloquium 2021: The Novel Stakes of Social Medicine

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Become a member

As someone interested in medical anthropology, you can decide whether you want to become a member of the MAS Commission and actively participate in the organisation of events or whether you prefer to be a passive member of the Interest Group (IKMAS) and only want to be informed about activities. Requirement for a membership of the MAS is an annual membership of the SAA. For more detailed information on our organisational structure, please refer to the organisation chart and the guidelines.

If you would like to become a member of the MAS Commission or IKMAS, please contact our president or co-president via email.