Swiss Society for Linguistics

Welcome to the homepage of the Swiss Society for Linguistics (SSL). The SSL is the expert association for linguistic research in Switzerland and is committed to the promotion of linguistic interests and activities.

CIPL Travel Grant

The Comité International Permanent des Linguistes awards twice a year two Travel Grants of 500€ to doctoral students of affiliated societies. More information on the criteria and eligibility can be found on the CIPL website.

Expansion of our website

In the coming months, the SSG website will be continuously expanded. We look forward to providing you with more information about our activities very soon.


SAGW verleiht Nachwuchspreis 2024

Zwei Historiker, eine Politologin und ein Rechtswissenschaftler haben den mit insgesamt 18000 Franken dotierten Nachwuchspreis der Schweizerischen Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften gewonnen.

  • Medienmitteilung
