Call for Papers: Thinking Futures in Asia – The International Conference of the DGA’s Young Scholars‘ Group
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Emeritierung Mareile Flitsch
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Retraite d'Ellen Hertz
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«Unter Mangobäumen. Frauen im srilankischen Bürgerkrieg» an den Solothurner Filmtagen
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Squaring the Circle. A Podcast on Building Material Reuse and Circular Construction.
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Ethnographic Imagination - Basel: New episodes
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Open letters in support of academic freedom
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Times of Crisis under Anthropological Scrutiny
27. - 28.03.2025
Organizers: Lucie Benoit, UNIBE, Lucien Schönenberg, UNIBE, Paule Pastré, UNIBE
Speakers: Prof. Heath Cabot, University of Pittsburgh/University of Bergen
Behind the Scenes: Human Library, from Theory to Everyday Practices
Fachgruppe Ethnologie (University of Basel)
ANTHROPOLOGICAL CROSSROADS, Colloquium of the Institute of Social Anthropology, University Basel
Feminist Article Writing Workshop
03. - 04.04.2025
Intervenant-e-s: Dre Madeleine Pape, UNIL Pre Elisabeth Prügl, IHEID Pre Julie Billaud, IHEID
Commodified Exchange: Imagining Alternatives
03. - 04.04.2025
Organizers: Prof. Dr. Rita Kesselring, UNISG, Prof. Dr. Matías Dewey, UNISG, Felicia Afriyie (M.A.), UNISG
Speakers: Dr. Ignacio Acosta, Royal College of Art, GB
The Laissez-Faire Peasant: Post-socialist rural development in Serbia
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En dialogue avec l’invisible
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SPECIAL ISSUE: Multisensory performances: Sonic, haptic, and the making of urban identities in Southern Africa
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