Working Group (WG) Anthropology and Education

The WG Anthropology and Education is an active working group of the Swiss Anthropological Society (SAA/SEG/SSE). It is dedicated to opening an academic space for debate around education, as a focus of anthropological inquiry, and to discussing the (empirical and theoretical) potential of educational issues in the field of anthropology. It also aims at reflecting how anthropological knowledge may meaningfully contribute to understanding or shaping formal and non-formal educational practices. Founded in 2014, the working group aims at promoting communication between anthropologists working on educational issues and addresses the challenges of inter- and trans-disciplinarity of the field of education as well as the strong politicisation of formal educational contexts. The WG promotes debate by connecting anthropologists at both full universities and universities of teacher education in all four language regions in Switzerland and with symposia at the regular SAA/SEG/SSE conferences.


  • Simon Affolter (FH NW)
  • Nathalie Gasser (PH Bern) 
  • Denis Gay (Uni Fribourg)
  • Luisa Genovese (PH Bern) 
  • Judith Hangartner (PH Bern)
  • Elke-Nicole Kappus (PH Luzern)
  • Moira Laffranchini Ngoenha (HEP Lausanne)
  • Stefano Losa (Supsi)
  • Carola Mantel (PH Zug)
  • Christa Markom (Uni Vienna)
  • Simone Marti (PHBern)
  • Jeanne Rey-Pellissier (PH Fribourg, Graduate Institute Genève)
  • Sarah Rieser (PH Bern)
  • Anja Sieber Egger (PH Zürich
  • Hatice Ilbay Söylemez (Uni Zürich)
  • Nikolina Stanic (PH Zug)
  • Angela Stienen (PH Bern) (Coordinator)
  • Stefanie Strulik (PH Bern)
  • Carla Svaton (Uni Fribourg, PH Bern)
  • Jelena Tosic (Uni St. Gallen)
  • Gisela Unterweger (PH Zürich)
  • Andreas Von Kaenel (Uni Neuchâtel)
  • Barbara Waldis (HES-SO Valais)
  • Laura Weidmann (PH Bern)
  • Irène Zingg (PH Bern)