
9th Swiss Methods Festival

SAA News

7 and 8 September 2022, St.Gallen, Switzerland

We are pleased to announce that the 9th Swiss Methods Festival will take place in St.Gallen, Switzerland on 7 and 8 September 2022.

There are over 15 workshops in which participants are introduced to the state of the art of given research approach, the program covering a diverse range of qualitative methodologies. Participants are invited to discuss all questions related to these methodologies; there are spaces for some participants to present and discuss their own projects with the present experts. At the festival, qualitative researchers from Switzerland and abroad are welcome. Most workshops and both keynote addresses are held in German.

Program and further information:

Registration: from 15 April 2022 noon onwards (first come first serve) 

End of registration: 1 May 2022 (midnight)


For the program committee:

Florian Elliker and Thomas S. Eberle
(University of St. Gallen)