
Annual Meeting of the Swiss Anthropological Association (SAA): Call for Panels

SEG News

“Give and Take – Anthropology as Exchange”

Neuchâtel, November 10-12, 2022

SAA members are invited to submit panel proposals by April 11, 2022. Please fill out the electronic form at and submit a short description (max. 5000 bytes) of the panel theme with a list of potential speakers (max. 6 per panel) and an institutional affiliation.

Panel proposals will be evaluated by the scientific commission for this colloquium. Selected panels will receive a budget for travel costs and conference expenses. Panel organizers should conduct an open “Call for Papers” from April-June of 2022, and should finalize their panels by early September 2022 so that travel and conference arrangements can be made in time. Panels may be conducted in all of the Swiss national languages and/or in English.

The colloquium will take place in partnership with the Neuchâtel Ethnography Museum.

Please address all questions about contents to Ellen Hertz (ellen.hertz(at), all budgetary inquiries to Christiane Girardin (secretariat.sse(at), and all technical questions to Miriam Wohlgemuth (webmaster(at)

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