Événements et cours

Audio-Visual Commission of the Swiss Anthropological Association Summer School 2022

The Audio-Visual Commission of the Swiss Anthropological Association proposed its third summer school of visual anthropology. By choosing the title “Beyond Observational Cinema” (MacDougall 1998), the organizers inscribed this practical training week with a twofold purpose. On the one hand, students were invited to look at the legacy of observational cinema as a mode of research in the social sciences. On the other hand, they took a step back from the representational paradigm, examining contemporary experiments that attempt to account for social and cultural processes. In doing so, they produced short films on the theme of People & Things.


Regard Bleu: Ethnographic Film Festival
16th-18th October 2020

Völkerkundemuseum Zürich
Pelikanstrasse 40
CH-8001 Zürich

Homepage: https://www.musethno.uzh.ch/en/veranstaltungen/Regardbleu.html
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/regardbleuzuerich


Arts et politiques de l’écoute : méthodologies et pratiques du sonore pour l’anthropologie, l’art et le patrimoine
8 novembre 2019
The Graduate Institute, Genève

Pensé comme un laboratoire de recherche et d’expérimentation au croisement de l’art, de l’anthropologie et du patrimoine culturel, ce panel abordera donc la question des productions, performances, enregistrements, dispositifs, processus et autres archives sonores.

Coordinatrices: Dre Pierrine Saini (Université de Bâle) et Dre Clotilde Wuthrich (Université deLausanne), membres de la Commission audiovisuelle (CAV)

Médiateur: Daniel Siemaszko (consultant ingénieur, programmateur cinéma au Spoutnik et au LUFF, producteur, compositeur)

- Christine Guillebaud (CNRS, Centre de recherche en ethnomusicologie, Laboratoire d'Ethnologie et de Sociologie Comparative, Université Paris-Nanterre, Paris)
- Bastien Birchler (anthropologue, association « En-Quêtes », Genève)
- Raphaël Raccuia (musicien, Lausanne) et Nicolas Carrel (poète sonore, Lausanne)
- Benoît Moreau (musicien et membre du Collectif Les Topophoniques, Lausanne)
- Andrea Bordoli (cinéaste et anthropologue, HEAD, Genève)
- Gilles Aubry (artiste de son, musicien, chercheur, Graduate School of the Arts, Bern et Berlin)
- Gaël Bandelier (artiste et poète sonore, Lausanne)
- Stéphane Montavon (artiste sonore, Bâle) et Gilles Lepore (cinéaste, collectif MML, Suisse et Pologne)


Regard Bleu & CAV Symposium
19-21 Octobre 2018

Ethnographic Museum, University of Zurich

Virtual realities: Re-thinking ‘experience’ in the age of new immersive media
For more than a century, social anthropology has attempted to describe, translate, and evoke the experience of Others. Using methods that situate the anthropologist in her collaborators’ time and space, the idea of “being there” and approximating what it must feel like to act and exist in different kinds of environments, has inspired a variety of approaches to looking, hearing, writing and recording. However, how close we as anthropologists can actually get to conveying the experiences of Others has always had its limitations, leading to critical debates of what is actually achievable. Currently, we find ourselves in the midst of a technological revolution: Virtual Reality (VR) and 360° video encapsulate the proposition of literally creating virtual environments that evoke an experience that comes closer than ever before to a sensory reality. With a look behind the scenes of VR and/or 360° video productions, discussing practical workflows, viewing selected examples and engaging with the theory behind the media, this year’s CAV Symposium is dedicated to the experiential, political and ethical possibilities, implications and limitations of the so-called new “immersive media”.


Pictures in boxes: the video in ethnographic museums
11 November 2017

University of Neuchâtel

This panel aims to examine the uses of various audio-visual techniques in exhibitions, with a focus on the heuristic, narrative, epistemological and aesthetic implications of the respective presentations. We propose to discuss different experiences and approaches by ethnographic filmmakers or curators on recent uses of films or video installations in exhibitions.

Coordinators: Grégoire Mayor (University of Neuchâtel), Michaela Schäuble (University of Bern)

- Sophie Wagner, Ethnocineca Wien: Filming a museum. Behind the scenes of Vienna's Weltmuseum.
- Pierrine Saini, Musée d'ethnographie de Genève: Sur l'usage du film dans l'exposition "L'effet boomerang"
- Karin Leivategija, Estonian National Museum: Encountering Films in the Estonian National Museum
- Janine Prins, University of Leiden: Blending Video into a Colonial Heritage Experience
- Steffen Köhn, Freie Universität Berlin: The Humboldt-Lab and it Politics of Representation
- Baptiste Aubert, University of Neuchâtel: Filmer au village: jeu d'opportunités et de contraintes dans deux exercices de recherche filmée à Isérables (Valais)

Summer School with Iris Zaki
11 – 16 of september 2017

Val de Travers (Neuchâtel)

Als universitätsübergreifender Kurs bietet die Summerschool auch dieses Jahr eine Plattform für Studierende verschiedener Universitäten und Regionen der Schweiz, um sich über das filmische Schaffen innerhalb der Sozialanthropologie auszutauschen. Dadurch wird nicht nur eine Vernetzung unter Studierenden ermöglicht und gefördert, sondern auch die Herausbildung und Weiterentwicklung einer Schweizer visuellen Anthropologie vorangetrieben.